
RIO 2016 – Day 3

Sunday was dominated by Indian sportswomen at RIO with mixed performances. The most disappointing was Heena’s pistol shooting. She didn’t use her London experience to stay calm and confident.


RIO 2016 – Day 2

After so much of excitement, Day 1 events were disheartening for any India fan. I expected shooters to be in the medals but I guess lack of experience and pressure of performance did in.


RIO 2016 – Day 1

Opening ceremony of every Olympics is always an interesting mix of host culture, history along with the energy and colors of all participating nations. It is something to look forward to and that is the reason opening ceremony tickets are always most expensive.


Do our Olympic stars really need goodwill ambassadors to support them?

Olympic is a very special platform and our athletes work very hard to emerge as a winner and we must celebrate that occasion by keeping them in the center and not steal the moment from them. Having been to London games, I feel we don’t need any Bollywood star, cricketer or any other celebrity to make the occasion special. That platform belongs to our athletes and let them be the king of the ring and create their own star power through their success and failures.


Always in search of a good hotel

I must say our overall experience from check in to checkout was good ticks in all the boxes. However, we were once again wondering if we will come back here or look for another place better than this.


Is India ready for Customer Advocacy?

I have always believed if every business starts focusing honestly on their customers then they are not only on success track but also don’t have to waste lot of money of marketing channels. I also believe that acquiring customers may not be very difficult but making them buy from you regularly and making them your brand advocates is most important. I always advocate that major portion marketing budgets shall be spent only on this and not for acquiring new customers.