
Rajiv Gandhi, I came to know as a PM

Rajiv Gandhi understood technology and knew that it was the key to progress in India. It’s a historical fact that his government struggled to stand up to the dissenting voices that warned doom to the labour of this country.


Always in search of a good hotel

I must say our overall experience from check in to checkout was good ticks in all the boxes. However, we were once again wondering if we will come back here or look for another place better than this.


When will we learn to drive properly?

A dear friend and well-wisher, Gita Vir, was crossing the road outside her home when she was killed in a freak accident. Gita was a well-known activist and I was always assured of her support and participation in my foundation Margdarshak, which works to promote road safety and traffic awareness. Her grieving husband, retired Commodore


Let’s be honest in our fight against corruption

If we all start following other social laws in our daily life, our lives will improve without any Lokpal Bill, and no matter what political party is in power. Driving home at around 10pm yesterday, I saw a car enter and drive down a one-way. I stopped the driver, a young educated-looking man, and told