
RIO 2016 – Day 12

Day 11In London 2012 Chinese won all 5 Gold medals in Badminton and it seems RIO 2016 may go blank for them. PV Sandhu’s success till now is a sign of India’s real progress in the game and it will only get better with few more youngsters waiting in the ranks. Sandhu’s game is getting better with very match and she is clearly displaying her champion skills, attitude and aggression. She has to win one more match to get a medal and she will do that!

This will help Srikanth a lot to do better in his QF match today. It will be a game to watch today at 5 PM. From his first match itself he is showing world class attacking skills of a champion. He doesn’t seem to have any stage fear at all. Couple of his opponents tried to psych him with mind games and every time he gave it back.

Hardeep fought very well but couldn’t make it due to lost chances in his GR fight. Our girls will make an Olympic debut today in Wrestling and they seem to be quite determined to do well. If any of these girls bring a medal for India it will not only help the cause of Wrestling in India but it may turn out to be a big blessing for Haryana’s women suffering from social oppression and discrimination.

Tintu Luka is a work in progress since 2010 to be a 800MT champion and now I feel she seems to be falling off her bell curve. I hope she proves me wrong tonight. Since all our girls seem to be delivering more reliable performance, let us hope our lone woman golfer, Aditi makes good start as well.

Ajay Aggarwal