
RIO 2016 – Day 4

Day 3-1 Am I completely heartbroken for no Indian medal till now, like thousands of other Indians reacting on social media? No, not at all! I firmly believe that every athlete qualifying for Olympics is already a champion and all of them at the Olympic stage are same. Its only who performs better on that day gets medal. Olympics is the greatest sporting stage and every athlete comes here to win a medal but there are only limited medals to win.Am I completely heartbroken for no Indian medal till now, like thousands of other Indians reacting on social media? No, not at all! I firmly believe that every athlete qualifying for Olympics is already a champion and all of them at the Olympic stage are same. Its only who performs better on that day gets medal. Olympics is the greatest sporting stage and every athlete comes here to win a medal but there are only limited medals to win. You need to give your best all the time and margin of error is very thin. I have seen best in the world can falter at the last moment and this happens to many of them every day there. Look at this both Abhinav Bindra and Hockey team lost by just a whisker and this is not unusual.

Laxmirani performed very well in her individual event. Our swimmer S Prakash’s did less than 2 minutes in 200 MT butterfly. Hockey girls were not expected to better than this. Watching Shivani swimming 200MT Freestyle was a matter of pride for me. Our trap shooters were not expected to do better than this.

Heena will have another chance today at 25 Mt Pistol shooting and I expect her to do better than her last outing. Atanu Das will be taking a shot at individual game in Archery and it will be worth watching him today. Men’s hockey match against Argentina will be tough, let us back them up against the world champions to better. Dattu will be racing in his QF single’s skull and if he paddles 32-34 strokes minute he will be in for a medal.

We feel bad when those expected to deliver medal can’t and what about those who deliver unexpectedly. We still have 12 days to go and I am still hoping for enough surprises.

Ajay Aggarwal