
RIO 2016 – Day 6


Shobha De couldn’t keep her stinky RIO 2016 broth boiling for long since most of our campaigns are back on track, except few setback in shooting. I have a feeling that her idiotic outburst against our Olympians was to draw media attention which she missed by not being called for Gau Rakshak panel discussions on news channels. These self-professed experts can be cruel, isn’t it.  

Bombayla and Deepika did what they are good at and looks like they will move to medal position after today’s matches. Weather will be the key, though Deepika did well yesterday despite of rough conditions. Another good news is that boxers are looking in good shape to go all the way. Avtar and Satish did their best in their events of Judo and weightlifting.

I expected a much better performance from Jitu in pistol shooting but he is young and I am sure this experience will help him do better next time. Gagan Narang is our next hope for some medals in shooting with two of his events still to go. Knowing him, he will give his best in this situation.

Our hockey coach feels if we continue to execute our plans to the last minute of the game, we will keep challenging best teams and they established that against Argentina. I expect them to surprise Netherland as well.

Our badminton stars will be in action today onwards and that is exciting. Both Men’s & Women’s doubles teams are against the best in their first matches but they are capable of doing anything. Good start for Badminton contingent can build base for couple of medals.

Our golfers will start their campaign today and they can spring some surprises for Ms De as well. I am once again quite bullish on our medal count at the end of the games

Ajay Aggarwal